It truly is a work in progress. I am happy to say that I have been working on chapter 1 this week. This is tough. Much tougher than the outlining and planning I must say. I have the events laid out, the characters involved, interactions and outcomes; all the creative ideas that give the story meat.
Now I have to write. Not only write but write in such away that will portray everything I want to convey to the reader. You know actually tell a story.
I have no idea what I am doing.
I am not a trained writer. I was a Kinesiology Major in college and all my writing during that time consisted mostly of lab reports and technical essays. I don't even remember the last writing course I ever took. Everything, if anything, I know about writing is from reading novels, listening to writing pod casts, reading other blogs, tip sections, tool sections, wikipedia and cracker jack boxes.
I am tangled in a web of literary conundrums, weaved from lack of training - I stutter and choke on the technicalities of my writing: Do I want to describe the character right out or through an action they are performing. Is it important to tell the reader what the character is feeling right now. Am I over describing this part or that part. Did I mention this or that at the right place. Can I say it like this or should I say it like that. Is this word better than that word. Am I really doing a good job on this scene or is it just so well viewed in my minds eye because I know it?
Are these questions and concerns born of self-doubts personal in nature or do all authors teeter on the edge of insanity? I think perhaps the latter; only the insane would venture on such an endeavor.
As to my actual current progress, I am on chapter 1. It is actually more of a prologue. I was stuck on a small section for awhile when a fisherman comes across or rather is trapped by the antagonist. I was not stuck for lack of ideas, rather ideas on how to describe it. Now that I am past the sticking point I hope to have chapter 1 / prologue finished this weekend and have it posted for viewing next week.
Another positive note; I feel that my actual writing style a word usage and sentence structure has really begun to improve and I am excited to see what I can do.