A Work In Progress

Just a writer's block within internet city.
Short Stories, Muses, Reviews and Discussions on Writing

October 31, 2007

Banging It Out

Well, In the past weekend and through the week I did work on my outline. And I did fill in many holes and expand on my ideas. Though I did not quite feel that I was done. The fact is I was having some real issues deciding what the final events of the story would be. This I think was due to my outline being much to long and complex, and I could not see the story in a nice linear fashion. What I decided on was creating an easy to see timeline of events with pertinent information listed under each event. This help immensely! By going through my outline and listing the events in order along with events that happened congruently I was able to see and fill in more gaps to the story. Now I am happy to say that the first draft of my outline and timeline is complete. I say first draft because I plan on rewriting both the outline and time line at least two more times.

I have taken the path of one of my favorite authors; Terry Brooks, when it comes to planning and organizing a story. In his memoir / writing guide; Sometimes the Magic Works, he divulged a major piece of his writing process:

Read, Read, Read

Outline, Outline, Outline

Write, Write, Write


A lengthy a difficult process for sure. But like all things worth doing, hard work is involved. And in this case, some of the hardest work I have ever done. When in doubt, seek out an expert.

October 25, 2007

Step 1

When I first had the lightening strike of an idea for my novel I started writing right away. It was going great; the ideas were flowing and I was thoroughly enjoying my work. But then I came to page three and I realized that the path I was on was going to travel much further than I initially realized. The twists and turns were going to be complex and the characters were going to be numerous and well rounded; unless I kept writing.

The story in those three pages had began to take on a life of there own and the only way to control it was to stop, and start outlining.

I've been outlining my story now for almost a month. The plot, the timeline, locations, races, characters, political ploys and background history. Now I even have rough map of what my newly created world looks like. And I have to say I am rather pleased with myself. The original storyline has evolved greatly from where it began; and for the better.

But now I have reached a sort of block. To breach this wall I have decided to start re-writing my outline in the hope that it will allow me to revisit the story and fill in some more gaps and further revive my imagination.

The goal is to complete the re-write by this weekend, and if I have successfully filled in the open spots and recharged my mind, I will begin again the actual story writing next week.

October 22, 2007

The Beginning to the End

Every journey, whether great or small starts somewhere. A point of location or a point in time, it makes no difference, they always start at the same place. The Beginning.

This is not my journey, rather a journey within my journey about; well a journey. And if you think, "That makes no sense", let me explain. I have recently decided to begin writing a novel; a fantasy. A journey is ultimately involved and therefore this Blog is not about my journey in life rather my journey to write about a journey.

Like the characters in my story; I too will travel through undiscovered realms and mortal perils, as I have never attempted a feat of this scale. But I unlike my characters know how this journey must and will end.

Along the way I hope to use this space to work out ideas and perhaps gain tips from other writers and if I am able; offer my help
in return.

Welcome and I hope to see you soon.

- J.David Bodzin