The story in those three pages had began to take on a life of there own and the only way to control it was to stop, and start outlining.
I've been outlining my story now for almost a month. The plot, the timeline, locations, races, characters, political ploys and background history. Now I even have rough map of what my newly created world looks like. And I have to say I am rather pleased with myself. The original storyline has evolved greatly from where it began; and for the better.
But now I have reached a sort of block. To breach this wall I have decided to start re-writing my outline in the hope that it will allow me to revisit the story and fill in some more gaps and further revive my imagination.
The goal is to complete the re-write by this weekend, and if I have successfully filled in the open spots and recharged my mind, I will begin again the actual story writing next week.
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